No new posts Play XBOX/XBOX360/PSP online without LIVE! XBC
XBC works by making your Xbox(360)/PSP think it is participating in a LAN (widened by the internet).
Best part of all, it's completely legal, and completey free to use!
1) Install XBC
2) Connect your xbox(360)/psp and pc (crossover/network cable)
3) Detect your xbox(360)/psp (automatically)
4) Join/create a (systemlink) Game
5) PLAY!
THIS WORKS 100% (I own an xbox myself and played halo2 on it dozens of times with random players from all over the world)
NOTE: It's still a small community so spread the word. It's excellent for playing LAN-games through the internet with friends (e.g. play halo2 coöp/deathmatch/etc go wild)
the homepage for problems etc